Saturday, May 23, 2020

We Need to Stop Animal Testing Essay - 1324 Words

â€Å"Every day in countries around the world, animals are fighting for their lives, these are mutilated and confined to tiny cages so that we can kill them in outdated product tests for cosmetics, personal-care products, and household-cleaning products. These animals are burned, blinded, poisoned, electrocuted, strangled, and tested on all in the name of â€Å"science†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ stated by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (1). Animals are abused and mistreated on a daily basis. They are poked and prodded during tests to find out information to find out if products will be harmful to us humans. Animals should not have to go through test that harm and hurt them, the way they are treated is inhumane. Although animals have some similarities to†¦show more content†¦As hard as it is to think about, we can’t stop animals’ suffering if we simply look the other way and pretend it isn’t happening. Together, we can make a difference if we start b uying products that don’t test on animals slowly and surely animal testing will diminish. Vegetarianism is on the rise because people have become concerned about the conditions of the wellbeing of animals from chickens and ducks being force feed to foxes and mink being furred. The main thing that people are concerned about is the animals that are the tests run on them from small animals, such as mice are kept in clear or white plastic boxes, larger animals, like dogs, cats, and primates live in wire cages. These animals are strangled and beat into submission so that these test can be performed on them. Laws were passed designed to ensure that cages are warm, clean and large enough for the animals to turn around, stand, and lie down. The reason why corporations, and scientists still till this day use animal testing to try to find out if a drug or cosmetics are going to work on humans. Studies have also shown that animals have similarities to humans in many ways such as intelligence. In the article â€Å"Animal Intelligence† written by Marcia Clemmitt states that â€Å"Australian scientists reported one of the most remarkable feats of animal intelligence to date† (Clemmitt 2). They caught on an underwater video tape of an octopus collecting coconut shells and using themShow MoreRelated Animal Testing Needs To Stop Essay990 Words   |  4 Pagescompanies should stop animal testing. By animal testing, the companies not only violate the animals rights (which is breaking the law), but their testing methods are hazardous which endanger the animals life. Finally, the companies should stop animal testing because each year we lose hundreds of thousands of animals and could make a difference by stopping this cruelty. Stop the animal testing, and save a life. 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