Saturday, May 23, 2020

We Need to Stop Animal Testing Essay - 1324 Words

â€Å"Every day in countries around the world, animals are fighting for their lives, these are mutilated and confined to tiny cages so that we can kill them in outdated product tests for cosmetics, personal-care products, and household-cleaning products. These animals are burned, blinded, poisoned, electrocuted, strangled, and tested on all in the name of â€Å"science†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ stated by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (1). Animals are abused and mistreated on a daily basis. They are poked and prodded during tests to find out information to find out if products will be harmful to us humans. Animals should not have to go through test that harm and hurt them, the way they are treated is inhumane. Although animals have some similarities to†¦show more content†¦As hard as it is to think about, we can’t stop animals’ suffering if we simply look the other way and pretend it isn’t happening. Together, we can make a difference if we start b uying products that don’t test on animals slowly and surely animal testing will diminish. Vegetarianism is on the rise because people have become concerned about the conditions of the wellbeing of animals from chickens and ducks being force feed to foxes and mink being furred. The main thing that people are concerned about is the animals that are the tests run on them from small animals, such as mice are kept in clear or white plastic boxes, larger animals, like dogs, cats, and primates live in wire cages. These animals are strangled and beat into submission so that these test can be performed on them. Laws were passed designed to ensure that cages are warm, clean and large enough for the animals to turn around, stand, and lie down. The reason why corporations, and scientists still till this day use animal testing to try to find out if a drug or cosmetics are going to work on humans. Studies have also shown that animals have similarities to humans in many ways such as intelligence. In the article â€Å"Animal Intelligence† written by Marcia Clemmitt states that â€Å"Australian scientists reported one of the most remarkable feats of animal intelligence to date† (Clemmitt 2). They caught on an underwater video tape of an octopus collecting coconut shells and using themShow MoreRelated Animal Testing Needs To Stop Essay990 Words   |  4 Pagescompanies should stop animal testing. By animal testing, the companies not only violate the animals rights (which is breaking the law), but their testing methods are hazardous which endanger the animals life. Finally, the companies should stop animal testing because each year we lose hundreds of thousands of animals and could make a difference by stopping this cruelty. Stop the animal testing, and save a life. To start with, cosmetic and drug companies should stop animal testing their productsRead MoreAnimal Testing Proposal Essay1549 Words   |  7 PagesMillions of animals are being unneedlessly tested on for cosmetics, even though there are plenty of alternatives available and most of the results are unreliable or not applicable to humans. Although the fight against animal testing has made huge progress recently, America has yet to stop this cruel practice and chooses to torture animals while other countries are making a stop to the testing (â€Å"Animal Testing 101†). Right now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are lockedRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned847 Words   |  4 PagesOne of the biggest areas on where people gather around and protest is when they’re fighting agents animals testing. As well as the years has pasted on protesting on animals, it became more sires in increased in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Many cosmetics companies been testing on animals throughout the years there is also many that have not. The cosmetics line LUSH has been fighting over animals testing for over thirty years and will continue to fight for their right according to the company. When LUSHRead MoreAnimal Experimentation Is The Death1426 Words   |  6 PagesWe Know What They do in the dark Death. Money. Neverending. Something that is done every day, every hour, every minute, every second. From animals that can be our pets to wild ones. We do this so we can test products that humans will use. So we don’t risk ourselves or our family members. Although most think animal testing is great it’s clearly not because, these experiments kill these animals all the time, we’ve found better ways to do this testing of products, and it cost tons of money for our countryRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned878 Words   |  4 PagesJaden Kazmierczak Mrs. Kaiser English 11 29 May 2015 Animal Testing You are one of the 26 million each year chosen to suffer from testing and in laboratories. You are one of the fifty chosen just for that certain test. You are and the other 26 million are not the lucky ones. That 26 million are being murder in laboratories every year (Should Animals†¦ Testing? 1). Innocent animals are being brutally killed to serve humans through animal testing for cosmetic products when this brutality could be stoppedRead MoreAnimal Testing is Wrong! Essay923 Words   |  4 PagesPicture yourself in a testing laboratory; needles, drugs, and knives pointed in your direction with you having no idea what’s going on around you, this is how animals everyday are treated, we have to stop this now! Millions of animals are killed in laboratories everyday with no chance to object to what the testers are about to do to them. Animals feel as much pain as humans do so why does it make it okay to test on them when they are so alike to humans? Every day people test makeup, shampoos, andRead MoreAnimal Testing Persuasive Essay1402 Words   |  6 Pagesangers me more, than people working in companies, factories, laboratories, and even in the comfort of their home to use innocent animals to test human products. They continue to test out these products on animals, even after it has been proven that in almost all cases, animal testing has no benefit on us as buyers or consumers. I have found that laboratories are using many animals that are considered as pets to families, such as mice and rats, rabbits, and even guinea pigs. They are forcefully using themRead MoreShould Animals Be Used For Testing Purposes?966 Words   |  4 PagesShould Animals Be Used for Testing Purposes? Testing on animals has always been a controversy often debated. Millions of animals are tested on each year to aid in the research and development of commercial and scientific products. Animals get tested on to ensure the safety of human use or consumption in anything from beauty products to medicine. Testing has enabled life-saving advancements in medicine; however it is no longer necessary to harm animals in the process of saving humans. Animal testingRead MorePersuasive Essay On Animals863 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.† The way that people treat living organism shows how we may treat each other. Many people have different views on animals, some look at them as companions others see them as science projects. Each year 100 million animals are killed in U.S laboratories for medical training, cosmetic testing, and biology lessons. Animals are living organisms like everyone else and they have feelings too. There is noRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned864 Words   |  4 Pages Animal testing or animal experimentation is the use of non-human animals in experiments. (Merriam) We as humans have been using animals to test products that the reaction is unknown. Even though we might benefit from this testing, the benefit does not justify how we treat animals. Scientist such as, Claude Bernard, known as the father of physiology, have said that â€Å"experiments on animals are entirely conclusive for the toxicology and hygiene of man. The effects of these substances are the same

Monday, May 11, 2020

Macbeth by William Shakespeare - 1075 Words

In human society there are different rank and class systems that distinguish groups of people. Ambition -- the quest for power – is an internal drive that is embedded in every one of us. It motivates us to improve ourselves. Ambition can lead to corruption as in the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, where the main character Macbeth is driven by his ambition and eventually becomes corrupt. Macbeth chooses to let ambition override his humanity in order to achieve and maintain the throne which ultimately leads to his and Scotland’s down fall. Initially, Macbeth is a loyal, courageous subject of the King of Scotland, but he is also a man who harbors a hidden ambition for power. At a military camp near the king’s palace at Forres, a wounded†¦show more content†¦The image of the river of blood betrays the fact that Macbeth is still hopeful--there is a shore to be reached; there are a finite number of murders he must yet commit to land himself safely on the other side.† (McGrail) At the feast Banquo’s ghost appears. Frightened, Macbeth goes to visit the witches in their cavern. There, they show him a sequence of apparitions who present him with further prophecies: he must beware of Macduff, a Scottish nobleman who opposed Macbeth’s accession to the throne; he is incapable of being harmed by any man born of woman; and he will be safe until Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane Castle. The night before Macbeth comes to visit the witches the witches plan to summon visions and spirits whose messages w ill fill him with a false sense of security and â€Å"draw him on to his confusion† (3.5.29). Macbeth is relieved and feels secure; Macbeth reasons that if none of woman born / Shall harm Macbeth, then he doesnt need to beware Macduff. Then live, Macduff, Macbeth says to himself, what need I fear of thee? (4.1.82), but when he learns that Macduff has fled to England to join Malcolm, Macbeth decides to â€Å"make assurance double sure† and kill Macduff’s children and wife. (4.1.83) That way he can prove that hes not afraid of either fate or Macduff. Macbeth orders Macduff’s family to beShow MoreRelatedMacbeth by William Shakespeare770 Words   |  3 PagesThe play Macbeth is written by William Shakespeare. It is believed to be written between 1603 and 1607 and set in eleventh century Scotland. It is also believed to be first performed in 1606. It is considered to be one of the darkest and most powerful tragedies. Macbeth, set in Scotland, dramatizes the p sychological and political effects produced when evil is chosen to fulfill the ambition of power. The Tragedy of Macbeth is Shakespeare’s shortest tragedy and tells the story of Macbeth, a ScottishRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1425 Words   |  6 PagesMacbeth Just Can’t Wait To Be King Everyone has a quality that they do not like about themselves. Some people struggle to be social, others may be too controlling of people. The list goes on and on, but the point is that everybody has a particular quality that they must learn to control or else that particular quality can get out of hand. Of course, one could write a list of characters that have major flaws. There is no better example than William Shakespeare’s character, Macbeth, in The TragedyRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1409 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air.† On October 17th, I had the pleasure of going to see Macbeth performed at the Shakespeare Tavern. Along with its reputation for being â€Å"cursed,† Macbeth is also known as one of the crown jewels of William Shakespeare’s repertoire. In my opinion, the central concept of this particular retelling of the play was the murkiness of character. Throughout the pla y, the many characters go through fierce temptation and strife, and noneRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1203 Words   |  5 PagesMacbeth is a play based on King James I, it was written by William Shakespeare, however this play isn’t a king and queen fairy tale, but it’s a play about greed and guilt, chaos and murder and three evil witches who use prophecies to influence Macbeth to do bad things, using flattery would instigate his inner ambition to become king, which in the end doesn’t lead to a very happy ending. Shakespeare’s, Macbeth, was written in the early Jacobean period. During those times, women had no power, theyRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1243 Words   |  5 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Macbeth†, the author portrays the main character Macbeth as a very tortured and flawed individual whose actions only serve to further unravel him. He is conflicted and power hungry, which drives him to perform evil murders and become a ruthless person. Macbeth’s moral compass is not resilient enough to withstand his wife’s manipulations and he is provoked to act on his malicious thoughts of murder. The author explores the terrible effects that ambition and guilt can haveRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare Essay1487 Words   |  6 Pagesreaction†. Macbeth by William Shakespeare is a tale which illuminates the consequences of violating the â€Å"Natural order†, the hierarchy of beings in the universe. When Macbeth, a warrior wel l-known for his courage and bravery, murders King Duncan acting on his unchecked ambition to claim the throne, the order was disrupted, the result†¦chaos. Shakespeare uses symbolism to illustrate the atmosphere of the play as the natural order is flung into a state of turmoil. These techniques used by Shakespeare is usedRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1483 Words   |  6 Pagesdifferent references in the play of how a king deals with power and if they use it for better or for their own personal gain. In the play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, Macbeth’s obsession with his journey to power leads to his failure. This obsession is demonstrated through the prophecies, the murder of his best friend Banquo, and his own demise. Macbeth demonstrates that he is incapable of mastering the power and responsibilities of being a king. This is indicated throughout the play with theRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1045 Words   |  5 PagesBlood appears in only two forms, but many times in Macbeth by William Shakespeare; between the war scene at the beginning of the play and the lifting of Macbeth’s severed being lifted by Macduff at the end. It can be said that Macbeth could have been written in blood that there is such a large amount. What is unique about blood in Macbeth is that the â€Å"imaginary blood† or the guilt that the murderer feels plays more of a role of understand and amplifying the theme of the play, that blood is guiltRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1431 Words   |  6 Pages Macbeth, though originally a valiant and prudent soldier, deteriorates into an unwise king whose rash decisions conclusively end in the atrophy of his title, power, and position. Several facto rs contribute to the downfall of Macbeth, which produce a contagion effect and ultimately end with his demise. He receives help from his â€Å"inner ambitions and external urgings† which result in his downfall (Bernad 49). The â€Å"external urgings† consist of the weird sisters who disclose his prophecies, which enlightenRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare2060 Words   |  9 Pagesthe green one red Macbeth Quote (Act II, Sc. II). Out, out, brief candle! Life s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Macbeth Quote (Act V, Scene V). These quotes have been taken from play Macbeth written by William Shakespeare. Like these quotes there are hundreds and thousands of such heart touching quotes written by Shakespeare in his many different

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Example Self Introduction Free Essays

Chris Hoskins English Communication I Personal Introduction 16 April 2012 Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself As I say in the title, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Chris Hoskins. In fact, my full name is much longer, Christopher Alan Hoskins, but I commonly use only Chris Hoskins. We will write a custom essay sample on Example Self Introduction or any similar topic only for you Order Now Most people I work with, including students, simply call me Chris. I was born in in the state of California in the USA, but I grew up near Chicago in the state of Illinois. I moved to Illinois because of my father’s job. My father was an airline pilot for United Airlines, and when he first started working for United Airlines that company sent him to Ohare Airport, near Chicago to work out of their main place of operations. When my father moved to Illinois he took me and the rest of our family to live with him there. As I grew up I lived together with my mother, father and two older brothers in a small town outside of Chicago called McHenry. Our house was located next to the Fox River, and my family often enjoyed recreation on the river, including water skiing and ice skating. As I grew up I developed a strong interest in reading and music. My interest in music led me to choose to play the violin as a hobby, and my interest in reading led me to love studying English, which in turn led me to choose teaching English as a career. I am continuing the both my hobby and career today. It is my career that led me to work at Kyoritsu Women’s University, where I now teach classes in English and academic skills. As I continue to work at Kyoritsu, I hope to be successful in helping students develop skills that allow them to achieve their future dreams. How to cite Example Self Introduction, Essay examples