Wednesday, October 23, 2019

American Dream: Then and Now Essay

Imagine you are one of the early settlers in America. You left Europe, a world full of religious persecution, political oppression and poverty behind you. You have dreams like: -Personal freedom, self-fulfillment, dignity and happiness, -Economic things, like prosperity and success -Rising from poverty to fame and fortune (from rags to riches) -Social dreams of equality and a classless society -Religious dreams of religious freedom in a â€Å"promised land† in which they were God ´s chosen people -Political dream of democracy It ´s in the soul of Americans and it is reflected in basic beliefs and values. Some of important foundation stones are -The Declaration of Independence in 1776. It ´s the legal foundation of the American Dream and states that â€Å"all men are created equal† and that every citizen has â€Å"a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness† -The Bill of Rights in 1791. It limits the powers of the central. Federal government and confirms the freedom and equality of all American citizens. -The â€Å"Frontier† 1790 till 1890 The moving of pioneers westward and the establishment of the North American continent. Since then the â€Å"frontier spirit† roots in American souls. -In 1865 Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery after the end of the Civil War -In 1920 do all American women get the right to vote -1870: Voting rights are extended to all adult males of all races -Franklin D. Roosevelt apply in overcome the extreme poverty and inequalities that resulted from the Great Depression of the 1920s -As a result of Martin Luther King ´s Civil Rights Movement and his dream of a colour-blind society, racial segregation in public places, scools, etc. and job discrimination are banned in 1964 This way of fighting for one ´s nation dream gives America its character and is still shared by most Americans today Individualism: In the early days, the success of most Americans depended on their ability to confront the hardships and challenges of the wilderness on their own. Today, the idealization of the self-reliant, self-sufficient, independent individual is still alive. Government regulation is often resisted, and it is seen as the individual’s responsibility to make a living and succeed in a competitive society. Freedom: The freest and best society in the world, superior to every other nation. Their country as a welcoming haven for those longing for individual freedom and opportunity. Mobility; optimism; flexibility: Settling the West meant making a fresh start in a land of spaciousness. Today with the same sense of optimism about their chances to succeed, Americans are still prepared to move great distances to improve their lives through a better job or a more pleasant climate. They also accept a high degree of social mobility (upward and downward) on the â€Å"ladder of success† as a fact of life, and relate this success primarily to individual achievement and their own flexibility when looking for new opportunities. Hard work: According to the Puritan work ethic, it was the individual’s duty to work hard and to show self discipline. Material success through hard work was seen as a sign of God’s favour and a good education as the key to prosperity. Patriotism: Foreign visitors to America are quick to observe numerous patriotic symbols. American flags are omnipresent, and stickers announce â€Å"I’m proud to be an American†. National holidays such as Thanksgiving and Independence Day (4th of July) intensify the sense of national pride. An actual topic is the weapons law culminated. On Friday the 14th of December a heavily armed gunman killed 26 people, including 20 children from 5 to 10 years old, in a rampage at a Connecticut elementary school. It was one of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. According to the character of America: Individualism, freedom and personal responsibility, a lot of Americans would say, that’s important to have guns. Like â€Å"defense yourself if you have to† It ´s like you take the Alcohol out of Germans society. Germans without Beer. But this problem is a much bigger than alcohol because it takes a lot of human lives and it ´s a problem of basics in many American minds. The gun lobby wants to prepare schools with armed teacher and security guys. Obama wants stricter laws, but whether he really achieves it, it’s a matter of how Americans think over themselves and their dreams and how strong the gun lobby really is. What do you think is it possible for Obama to strict gun laws in America, according to the actually American dream?

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